Where was Kermit?

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Kermit was in Silicon Valley to host the fourth edition of the Whizpr Silicon Valley Press Tour.

Over the last four years Whizpr has been able to come up with an interesting and attractive mix of companies to visit, using the synergy between both customers and non customers.
This year again the program was Interesting enough to attract eight editors. One blogger, for Dutch Cowgirls, two freelancers, writing for publications such as Telecommagazine, Storage Magazine and Verbinding. And the other five from publications such as Automatisering Gids,
Webwereld, Emerce, De Telegraaf and Z24.

The goal of the trip is to gain a better knowledge about what’s happening in Silicon Valley, by meeting some of the thought leading companies there. On the weekdays the program was really packed with on Monday visits to the Connected Bus in San Francisco, Facebook and Cisco and at the end of the day an informal ‘borrel’ with Dutch Expats in The Valley.
Tuesday started with a visit to Sun Microsystems, followed by a tour of the famous HP Labs. On Wednesday we visited Adjustables and the ‘Plug-and-Play Center’ in Sunnyvale as well as online brokerage firm Zecco. More details will follow.

With such a program ahead of us we just had to use the Sunday for fun. Biking the Golden Gate Bridge to Sauselito and returning by boat, followed by some power shopping in San Francisco. With the dollar at an all-time low, what could be better…

Our last stop on Sunday was the Oriental Pearl in Chinatown. Great food, albeit at a tremendous speed. A fun day with a fun group. A promising start.