The Week (3)

Friday, October 03, 2008

Wednesday 24th

"It's Picnic time!"

If this to you sounds like a moment to relax, then think again. It's the Amsterdam Cross media Week at the Westergasfabriek in Amsterdam. With 8535 visitors from all over the world one of Amsterdams major cultural events. Whizpr has been doing the PR for Picnic right from the start, three years ago. It's a crazy event, inspiration as well as transpiration. But a fun project to do PR for.

Nearly 300 journalists to deal with. You can't please them all, but we sure as hell tried. In the beginning the logistics are a bit fuzzy, but after the first hours all slips easily into place. We really try to make a difference and to facilitate as many interviews and press contacts as possible.

It's been a huge success. Wednesday, thursday and friday we were there with five Whizpr people each day, to support all press contacts and arrange speaker interviews.

Meanwhile in Ermelo... there was the SAS Forum, the annual SAS Netherlands user meeting, with its own press program and 6 journalists. Of course Whizpr had to be there as well...