The Whonderful Wheek of Whizpr (2)

Thursday, October 02, 2008

Tuesday September 23rd

The day starts with a press round table about smart metering, at the RAI (Metering Europe 2008), with participation of three customers: Oxxio, OutSystems, and Schleifenbauer and the magazine Utilities. In the afternoon e-office hosted a press session around its seminar 'get connected'. Three journalists attended.

Meanwhile in Amsterdam...

Whizpr was involved in the Connected Urban Development Conference, an initiative of the City of Amsterdam and Cisco. A big international conference with over 300 attendees from all over the world. The main press focus was on Job Cohen and Annemarie Jorritsma, opening the first Smart Work Center in Almere. Some good coverage on RTL: Almere opens Smart work center,
NOS Journaal, and Financieele Dagblad: Smart work center should save commuter time by avoid traffic. As well as on SBS, AT5, TV Flevoland and all radio stations. And a special appearance on Chinese television. Over 250 million viewers saw the Cisco TelePresence meeting between the mayors of Almere and Amsterdam.

Opening Smart Work Center, with camera teams from Whizprtised on Vimeo.

And if this wasn't enough: HTC launched its first Android mobile phone. Long anticipated and therefore carefully inbedded in a good PR program and press launch. Handled by T-Mobile as well as by HTC, and therefore by Whizpr.

And finally, today was the day of the Commscope Sailing Regatta. Just one journalist there, but a very important one...

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